Why Hypnosis & How Can Brilliant Minds Hypnosis Help You.
My motto will always be:
“All that matters is what you believe to be true about yourself”!
Here is the problem though, what you really believe to be true about yourself, is oftentimes so well hidden in your subconscious mind that it runs your behaviours and reactions in life from the autopilot.
You see, what you believe to be true about yourself on a conscious level is so, so different to the underlying beliefs you hold about yourself on a subconscious level!
So, a good question is:
Are you truly aware of what you REALLY and HONESTLY believe to be true about yourself?
Think of your subconscious mind as a securely locked vault where everything you ‘ve learned and experienced is kept in there. Once you are able to unlock it and access the treasures of information stored in it you are also able to free yourself from your blocks & issues.
All of those experiences stored in there have caused you to form specific deep rooted inner beliefs about yourself and you unwittingly still believe those old, outdated beliefs to be true, regardless of the improved versions of that specific data which you "TRY" to believe on a conscious level about yourself!
So, the reason why nothing you've ever tried up to now hasn’t worked for you, is because you just talked about the pain on a conscious level and because willpower and positive thinking alone, CANNOT break the chains of your blocks, fears or “bad” habits.
In order to effectively change a behaviour, a habit, a fear or a limiting belief and become free of any mental and emotional blocks, you have to address the root cause of it vs simply treating the existing effect / symptom / result you are experiencing.
This is why RTT therapy is so different from anything you have ever done! It goes deep to the root cause of the issue, easily and quickly to heal any emotional wounds and break negative patterns, allowing you to be free once and for all and to leap into your brilliant future!
I have unwavering confidence and belief that people can move past and achieve anything.
We can effectively work through the issues (which are old, outdated beliefs that are still running) that easily and effortlessly will come to your awareness so that you can process, understand, heal and rewire new, beneficial, healthy beliefs and patterns.
We will use the power of your own BRILLIANT mind which is an extraordinary resource as it has all the answers you need to help you overcome the difficulties and issues that are presented in your life today.
I would be honoured to help you find freedom!
You are not your past....
You are not your story...
You can rewrite your story, recreate yourself and live a better, happier, healthier life!