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Frequently Asked Questions

Skeptical about hypnosis?

Here are some FAQs for you to explore more what hypnosis is and how it could help you or someone you know:

Q: What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a way of directly accessing the subconscious mind so that you can understand the root of an unwanted behavior or habit and how to become free of it. Hypnosis is bypassing your analytical, critical mind so that you can access the untapped hidden ability you have to change the old data and the memories that are no longer serving your well being.

Q: What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is about relaxing your nervous system and that is exactly why it feels like a deep relaxation. It feels natural and is similar to the experience of a flow state. Being totally absorbed while watching a movie for example, is a state of hypnosis. The way people typically describe the feeling of being hypnotized during hypnotherapy is to be in a calm, physically, and mentally relaxed state. In this state, they are able to focus deeply and understand what is running their unwanted behaviors and then become free of them. In fact many people don't even realize they are in a state of hypnosis until they come out of it.

Q: Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is a completely natural state, it's basic science. 

While in hypnosis you are experiencing a heightened state of focus which makes you more aware than ever and gives your mind more control -not less! Hypnosis is very safe and will completely transform your life.

Q: I feel worried about being in hypnosis

Hypnosis is a natural state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. You will be in control during the whole process because hypnosis is only about the sleep of the nervous system and not about losing control as some people falsely believe. During your entire session you are able to communicate with me throughout and are fully supported. It is such a natural state of being that if you feel the need to go to the bathroom whilst hypnotised, you can just say so easily and effortlessly, open your eyes and come out of hypnosis just as easily as you open your eyes every morning when you wake up from a good night's sleep. As a hypnotherapist I have been highly trained to fascilitate transformation and freedom from the specific issue that you've decided to deal with and that is the purpose of our session. This is not a "show", it is a therapy session that aims to improve your quality of life.

Q: Will I be aware of what's going on whilst I am in hypnosis?

Yes, you will definetly be aware of whats going on, you are in charge, I cannot make you do anything you dont want to.  You are in complete control.

Q: How does a hypnotherapy session work? What is Regression therapy?

I help you to gradually relax your body and calm your mind through some relaxation techniques like visualization and breathing. That prepares your subconscious mind to receive effortlessly positive reinforcement and new suggestions and to release any old habits or behaviors that are no longer serving you.

Regression therapy is usually part of a hypnotherapy session. It focuses very specifically on past events and how they still influence the way you react and behave in the present day. So, regression is simply a term used for the process by which I guide you back through time to particular events from your life that need to be examined. It is the part of the session that clients are often most fascinated to talk about after their session. That is because you are easily able to recall material from deep inside that is normally not available to the conscious mind which reveals the root cause of your issue and the resolution to it.

You will leave the session with a personalized audio recording that will help your subconscious process all the new data until it makes it your new reality. 

Hypnotherapy helps you effortlessly and effectively direct your subconscious mind toward the accomplishment of your goals and the life you want to live.

Q: Does hypnosis work through Zoom?

Yes, it's super effective, as long as we can hear each other that's all that matters. Your experience will be incredible because you are in the safety of your own home, and can relax even further.

Q: What is RTT?

A hybrid form of hypnotherapy which combines the most effective principles of Hypnotherapy, Regresssion therapy, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to bring unparalleled results in one to three sessions. It was developed by the amazing Marisa Peer who is consistently ranked as the top therapist in the UK. This method is fast, efficient and it's the most effective therapy you'll ever have. In one session of RTT you are saving yourself years of psychotherapy. It helps you change false perceptions and limiting thoughts at the subconscious level and leap into your brilliant future.

Q: How long does a session last?

After your initial appointment with me your session will take approximately 90 – 120 minutes.

Q: How do I book a session?

You can book directly through the website at a time convenient for you. I will contact you prior to answer any additional questions you may have about your session so that you can feel comfortable and at ease on the day.

Q: How soon will I feel the results?

Everyone is different but you should feel a benefit immediately. I will remain in touch with you after your appointment for a short time and be on hand should you need me. It is important to me that my clients feel supported, not only during but even after our session together.

Q: How many sessions will I need?

RTT is fast, effective and permanent and most people only require one to three sessions to address an issue. Cleo will advise you at your initial appointment.

Q: Can we have a conversation before I book a session?

Yes of course. You can to book a free 40min discovery call online here.

Change Directed By the Conscious Mind Has Limits

To create real change we need more than willpower and logic! Rapid Transformational Therapy works with the power of your own Brilliant Mind on a subconscious level to create deep, permanent change in your life.

In the session, we will find out the exact reason why you have this issue and set you free from emotional pain, sadness or anything that was blocking you and affecting your well being. New positive powerful beliefs will be instilled and you will feel a huge sense of relief right after the session. I will facilitate a process that allows for your own self-mastery, enabling you to gain insight and heal yourself.


You are not your past. You are not your story. You can and deserve to be free from the past and leap into your brilliant future. 

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